
地域の将来像を展望 胆江・気仙5首長ら集まりシンポジウム

投稿者 : 
tanko 2015-7-26 10:50




"Visions of the Future: Mayors in Tanko, Kesen Areas Gather for Symposium"

The ILC symposium “Realization of the ILC and Prospects for Local Community” (hosted by the Iwate ILC Accelerator Science Promotion Council) was held in Z Hall in Mizusawa, Oshu on July 25th. Panelists were mayors of the two Tanko area municipalities and three Kesen municipalities that are around the ILC candidate site, former Iwate governor and Japan Policy Council Chairman Masuda Hiroya, taking the stage to exchange opinions on a future vision of the local area accompanying realization of the ILC. Mr. Masuda stated that “[The ILC would bring about] things unheard of in revitalization of other regions,” impressing to listeners the ILC has great significance for regional development and is very valuable.

Around 320 people attended the event. Besides Mr. Masuda, other panelists were: President of Iwate Prefectural University Atsuto Suzuki, mayor of Ofunato City Kimiaki Toda, mayor of Rikuzentakata City Futoshi Toba, mayor of Sumita Town Kinichi Tada, mayor of Kanegasaki Town Yoshiichi Takahashi, and mayor of Oshu Masaaki Ozawa. Guest professor at Iwate University and Tohoku University Masakazu Yoshioka served as master of ceremony. This was the first time that mayors from the two Tanko municipalities and three Kesen area municipalities exchanged their opinions on the ILC.

Mr. Masuda gave his analysis on the current status of attracting the ILC, saying that “There are several hurdles for bringing the ILC to Japan, including that China also wants to do something similar to the ILC.” He called for “working from now under the assumption the ILC is coming.”

Mayor Toda of Ofunato City expressed his hopes for industry promotion due to the ILC. “We have to implement measures so that local industry can continue to improve. We want to work so that Ofunato port can be used for bringing in construction materials.”

Mayor Toba of Rikuzentakata explained the ILC would lead to enhancing the educational environment, saying that “With children in contact with the ILC from when they`re little, they`d necessarily be more interested in science and international exchange.”

Oshu mayor Ozawa said that “Welcoming cultures from various countries will become a good opportunity for us to first reconsider our own culture. The ILC gives us a wonderful chance.” Kanegasaki Town mayor Takahashi said that, “While continuing to value our own culture, we will need to form cities where we can coexist with international researchers. It`s important for Iwate, Tohoku to cooperate on industry creation and other issues.”

For the keynote speech, former Director General of KEK in Tsukuba until March Mr. Suzuki took the podium, pointing out that the various ILC-related groups active in Iwate and Miyagi “should promptly come together and form an organization,” also saying it was necessary for scientists, the government, and locals (local people) to come together and work as one.

Photo = 5 Mayors in Tanko and Kesen areas who exchanged an opinion about ILC

*Translation by Oshu city ILC Promotion Division.
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