
候補地近い羽田小学校 ILC誘致に理解深める

投稿者 : 
tanko 2015-11-8 18:40


Hada Elementary School (Close to ILC Candidate Site) Learns about ILC

On November 5th, a talk about the ILC was held at Hada Elementary School in Mizusawa, Oshu (Principal Takuro Mita, 141 students). The Hada area is said to have an important role in city planning for the ILC because it contains a bullet train station and is close to the Kitakami mountain ILC candidate site. The two lecturers from Oshu City ILC Promotion Division taught about the importance of attracting the ILC, which holds infinite possibilities.

The event was planned as a Hada Elementary PTA training session to learn about the ILC and its close relationship to the area. 106 3rd through 6th grade students about 30 PTA members listened to the talk by Oshu ILC Promotion Division employees Kotaro Watanabe and Anna Thomas (from Oregon, USA).

“When the ILC is realized, this area will become more international and you can made friends with foreign people, and have the chance to learn foreign languages,” said Thomas. Watanabe fanned expectations for the ILC, saying “If all goes according to plan, the ILC will start its run when you are all in your twenties. The area around Mizusawa-Esashi shinkansen station will develop: maybe facilities like supermarkets and movie theaters will get built.”

The lecturers also carefully explained about questions and doubts like “What good will the ILC do?” and “Won`t building the ILC be destructive to nature?” Watanabe noted that, “While the cost of building is considerable, the calculated economic benefits will surpass that. We`ll keep the effect on nature and the area at a minimum by conducting surveys beforehand: we want to move forward with everyone`s involvement.”

Student body president Shun Onodera (age 12, 6th grader) said “It was good because they taught about why the ILC will be built in a way that was easy to understand.”

Photo = Anna Thomas, who convey the significance of the ILC plan to schoolchildren of Hada elementary school
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