
国際化など話題多岐に 達増知事とILCサポート委が意見交わす

投稿者 : 
tanko 2015-7-20 15:30


"ILC Support Committee and Iwate Governor Tasso Opinion Exchange"
On July 18th, the ILC Support Committee which bases its activities in Mizusawa ward (Chairman Bill Lewis) had an opinion exchange with Iwate Governor Tasso at Aspia in Mizusawa ward. Five international resident committee members shared their opinions with the governor about internationalization of the area accompanying hosting of the ILC and support for foreign people visiting the prefecture.

The committee is composed of international residents of Iwate prefecture, conducting activities such as working to attract the ILC. The opinion exchange was planned because many foreign researcher and their families are expected to come to live in Iwate after the ILC is completed.

Chairman Lewis emphasized that that ILC will put the brakes on Iwate`s population decline. “The Olympics end after two weeks, but the ILC will continue for a long time. This is a beneficial point for Japan and for internationalization of Iwate. I would like the prefecture to strongly appeal to the central government for cooperation and understanding.”

The other committee members gave opinions like “A Muslim woman was intrusively questioned by a policeman in Iwate,” and “More foreign people will come to Iwate, so why not put even more effort into English education.”

Governor Tasso expressed the opinion that “Research with the ILC is said to continue for at least 100 years. It should bring about many positive things during that long a span.” “I think the treatment of the Muslim woman was lacking in consideration of her feelings. It`s important for us to respect each other as residents of Iwate,” saying that it`s necessary to improve the environment and people`s perceptions for foreign people.

Phot = Tasso Takuya governor (right) and members of the ILC support committee exchange views on such foreign residents by ILC construction

*Translation by Oshu city ILC Promotion Division.
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