
経費分担、明確化を(ILC有識者会議 文科省に初提言)

投稿者 : 
tanko 2015-6-26 9:42



“Making Sharing of Costs Clear (ILC Panel of Experts, First Recommendations to MEXT)”
By Naoto Kodama

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) panel of experts considering the ILC had their fourth meeting at a fifth floor conference room at the MEXT building in Kasumigaseki, Tokyo on June 25th. The panel summarized the issues and actions necessary for inviting the ILC to Japan, for the first time in the form of recommendations to MEXT. In their recommendations, the panel of experts alluded to the fact that the project needed a very large investment and said that “it`s necessary [as a government] to receive clear prospects for the concrete participation and shouldering of costs by Europe, the US and others.” They also called for gaining the understanding and consensus of the Japanese people and scientific community.

In May of last year, MEXT formed a panel composed of thirteen experts including science professors to discuss the ILC project. In their third meeting held in April, the panel received interim reports from the “particle physics working group” discussing the ILC`s scientific significance and investment return and the “technical design report working group” considering the TDR.

According to the director of the Iwate Science and ILC Promotion Division, Jun Sasaki, in the fourth meeting the panel of experts complied the discussions from the interim report and from the panel itself and for the first time presented recommendations to MEXT.

The technical design report working group estimated the total cost of the ILC to be 1.912 trillion yen and the yearly cost of running to be 4.91 billion yen. Considering this very large investment, the panel stressed that as a prerequisite for going through with the ILC project, the Japanese government needs to receive clear prospects for the international shouldering of costs. In addition, because the ILC should attain “scientific results worth the massive investment,” the panel pointed out that the possibility of discovering new elementary particle should also be made clear.

The panel also requested that the performance and obtainable results from the ILC be assessed by sufficiently analyzing and evaluating experimental trends of the LHC at CERN. The panel asked for efforts to reduce “cost risks” caused by prolonged construction and market changes.

The panel further said that it was important to make clear the complete picture of the ILC including the status of efforts towards various issues, and to gain the understanding and consensus of the Japanese people and the scientific community.

One the same day, the formation of a new working group considering securing and training human resources was confirmed. The working group will meet around August to decide items to be considered. The next meeting for the ILC panel of experts is undecided.

*Translation by Oshu city ILC Promotion Division
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